Friday, September 28, 2007

Change for Change

I just spent the last couple of hours rolling all the coins that have been collecting in the water jug in my room for the past four years. Yes, I know there are now machines in which one can dump large quantities of change and it counts it all for you then spits out bills. But I wanted to go old school. Plus, and this is the main reason, I'm cheap. Those machines take like 10%, right? The total came out to just under $150. That would be $15! You know what I can buy in Bolivia for $15? At the very least, several beers. Actually, I'm going to use this money to pay for my first week of Spanish classes in Ecuador (I'll even have money left over for 2 nights in a hostel!). I plan on taking two weeks of spanish, 4 hours a day for 10 days. Hopefully that will get me through the subjunctive tense. If so, four years of saving change will make quite a change.

1 comment:

dresser said...

Um, I don't know how to break it to you, but there are change machines (usually at banks) that don't charge a percentage to use them. But I know you're all about the process, so I hope you enjoyed toiling away the day rolling coins.