Friday, April 27, 2007

Going Solo

Had one last Happy Hour with my travel buddy tonight at Fans. DN is moving to L.A. next week to pursue a writing career. Which means from here on out I am traveling solo. I have to credit DN for pushing me to do the last four international trips to Iceland, Costa Rica, Kenya, and Morocco–he's always looking for an excuse to travel, especially if my friends live some where interesting.

DN is that guy who can walk into a hostel bar and know everyone's name and story within minutes. Made it a lot easier to meet people after a nap to shake of the jet lag from a long flight over.

And so, the next trip will be solo. Hopefully he'll find some money to meet me along the way. Best of luck in L.A., and remember for $5500, you can grab that last ticket on the ship to Antarctica. If not, there will be plenty of other trips abroad you can crash. I'll drive.

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