Saturday, August 4, 2007

Good Advice

I did a happy hour yesterday at my favorite dive bar, Fans, with a former coworker who has since quit his job (thus the "former" label) and traveled the world. He imparted some good advice: you can't see it all. He's right. South America is a large continent. There's no way I can see everything I should see in four short months. Hell, I could spend four months in just one country and I wouldn't be able to see everything I should see. His suggestion: if I ever find myself in a situation where I have to pick one site over another, tell myself I will be back. And it's true. There will be plenty of time in the future to revisit a country.

One other piece of advice he had was to always pick social interaction over a "must-see" site. I agree with this with some reservations. Meeting people in other countries and really getting to know them and how they think can provide immeasurable insight to ideas and beliefs outside my "box". It can also lend great stories to share in the future. But it would be difficult to convince myself to spend a late night in a bar with a group of peruvians knowing I might miss my ride to Machu Picchu the next day. Hopefully I'll have the opportunity to do both.

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