Thursday, August 16, 2007

Title Change?

When I announced my need to sublease my apt while I'm gone to my coworkers, one of them raised an eyebrow. Apparently her almost two hour commute has started to take its toll and she is ready to move closer to the city soon. And the timing is perfect. Her ultimate goal is to buy a place. My apt in the city gives her the advantage of being able to see what's available with little effort. So "the 226 vacancy" will no longer be so. And I'll know the person keeping it filled. All the better. Plus, she has no need to bring her furniture so I can keep mine where it is. Saves me having to move everything to storage. Win, win, win.

She came by the place last night to give it a look and meet the roommates. Everyone seemed to gel well. And I'm pretty sure the spanish labels all over the house weren't a deterrent. So one problem solved. Now should I change the title of this blog?

1 comment:

La said...

Glad you got someone to sublet. That's one less thing to think about.