Tuesday, October 16, 2007

On Holiday During the Holidays

I went to Charlotte, NC, this past weekend to visit my family once more before the trip. This will be the first time in 30 years that I won't be with my family for Thanksgiving or Christmas. And mom's not happy about it. The trip home was exhausting. Drove an hour & a half north of Charlotte to visit one set of grandparents the first day. That night I went to a concert with my parents and the other set of grandparents. The next day we were all up early to go see a house my parents may be buying while I'm away. So next year the holidays won't even be in the same house. That was another hour plus drive, and it took most of the day. Then home where I spent the better portion of the evening smoking cigars and watching college football & DVDs on the history of trains with my grandfather in his shed. Not a bad way to spend an evening.

The last day I drove all over Charlotte buying last minute things for the trip. I got home just in time for a rushed dinner with the whole family before having to run out to the airport. *whew*

I don't feel like it was enough time. Especially since I won't be with them for the holidays. But what can you do? Thanksgiving and Christmas will be tough this year. On the first holiday I'll be on a yacht sailing around the Galapagos (okay, so maybe not that tough). And on the latter holiday I'll be in Bolivia celebrating with a friend's extended family. I was warned that I better find a phone on those two days. That's a given.

1 comment:

La said...

The first Christmas I was not with my family I was depressed. But then again I was just sitting in my apartment sans Christmas tree. In Bolivia you'll be fine! Think of it as preparation to split the holidays between your family and your future in-laws.