Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Special Thank You

I arrived to Buenos Aires in the pouring rain this morning after an all night bus ride from Mendoza. Turns out it was a pretty big storm. Parts of the city flooded and it was impossible to get a taxi most of the day. So I have spent most of the day inside. Not exactly what I wanted to do during my last two days.

But since it is my next to last day (will probably be heading to the airport in about 25 hours), I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to the person who made this trip possible: me.

Just kidding.

A HUGE thank you to my boss, Denise, for working with me and the people in charge at my company to allow me to take so much time off - and still have a job to come back to. She was open to the suggestion the moment I asked and made sure everything went through the proper channels so that it could happen. She also took a big leap of faith that I would actually return. But knowing that I am coming back to work for some one who is looking out for me is insentive enough to return. Despite the stack of work supposedly sitting in my chair.

I also want to thank my company for letting some one leave for a reason other than having a baby.

See you all on Monday.


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