Friday, December 14, 2007

That`s What I Was Thinking

Wow. Seriously, wow. That was an amazing trip. The hike was tough, and the altitude almost knocked me out of the hike the first day because of severe headaches. But aftewr popping some extra strength Advil, I was practically skipping the rest of the 42 kms. Okay, skipping is a stretch. But I did the hike with heart. And lots of drugs. The views were surreal. Standing on the side of one mountain staring at a series of others that looked more like a Hollywood backdrop, was absolutely surreal. And the destination was more grand and impressive than I expected. Some people said after four days of hiking, seeing Machu Picchu wasn`t all that exciting. My mouth was left gaping. I also heard the Inca trail is over-hyped. I thought each day was better than the previous and worth the sweat exherted.

And when I returned to Cusco, I found a new hostal with a single room and the most comfortable bed I have slept in yet (all for $18), and passed out. I slept better than I have in weeks. This morning I had a huge, delicious breakfast, turned in my laundry, and spent the day stretching my calves looking for gifts for the folks back home. I miss hiking the Andes. So I am doing a Sacred Valley tour tour tomorrow. I am a suckah for ruins and gloriously high mountains.

I am so glad I did that hike. If you`re thinking of doing it, go for it. Just don`t do it during the rainy season. The grand view from the "sun gate" when we arrived to the site was of a sea of clouds and fog. Fortunately, the clouds lifted when we made it down to the ruins.

Stories of Lima and Cusco to come...


Chip Chanko said...

Awesome! I'm glad it went well.

Unknown said...

Did you drink some coca tea? You gonna have to in Bolivia.